Gaming Cypher

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I have always loved playing video games. As a writer, I see them as interactive stories. Just like with books and movies/television, people can become so immersed in a completely different world. I play a wide range of games like: Stardew Valley, The Witcher, Fortnite, and Destiny. I'm just a graduate student that writes stories and plays video games.

I'm a lifelong gamer who, as a child, snuck away during recess to play Oregon Trail on my school computers. I'm an omni-gamer with a wide variety of gaming interests from Soulbornes to Grand Strategy to shooters and everything in between. I'm also a huge fan of the newly burgeoning board games hobby which has produced some of the greatest analog games in history. Gaming is more than a hobby, it's a part of my lifestyle and self identity.

I am current Junior at Carnegie Mellon University, and a deep lover of all things gaming and narrative. I play just about every game genre imaginable, but am particularly fond of story driven games and any narrative world where words have more letters than necessary. I am naturally drawn toward RPGs and Action Adventure Games, but am a huge fan of FPS titles, and competitive online games. Also developed a pretty recent addiction to turn-based and 4X strategy games. Shout out to Total War: Warhammer. Some of my favorites of all time include Dishonored, Witcher 3, Undertale, Half Life 2, and What Remains of Edith Finch. I just finished the newest God of War, and that's jumped pretty high on that list as well. As an avid writer and consummate lover of gaming, I hope that my reviews might provide meaningful insight into the games I play, or kick-start a love for narrative and gaming in others!

I've been gaming for 22 years, ever since my mom picked up a secondhand NES, and I've played on just about every gaming platform out there since. I think video games are one of most innovative and artistic mediums in the world today, and I'm always curious how developers will surprise me next.

I’m from Charlotte, NC and have been playing/ studying games for as long as I can remember. What I love about gaming is that it gives people from every walk of life a chance to engage their curiosity, creativity and optimism on a fundamental level and I look forward to being able to help people find the games that speak to them the most.

I am a lifelong gamer since the days of Atari, Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. I find the world of gaming fascinating, it's a place where you can immerse yourself into other worlds and do extraordinary things. As for my profession, I work on independent films as a sound mixer and sound designer. @reyesofsounds on Instagram/Twitter/youtube

Kendra grew up in the era where playing Donkey Kong in the dentist's office was a thing. Her creative mind enjoys the imaginative genius that goes into the intricate worlds and enticing narratives that have become the new wave of gaming. Forever a devotee of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro, Kendra has stepped into the next generation of gaming with favorites like God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Spider-Man. She is always looking for the next gaming challenge and utilizes her fancy English degree to articulate her detailed reviews for hungry gamers like you.

Colin's enthusiasm for games knows no bounds. He enjoys discussing what other people love about their favorite games and is continually in awe of the medium's ability to captivate.

I believe the world revolves around storytelling. The gaming community's fascination with creating and innovating has pushed our capabilities to tell stories into a new frontier. The medium of video games satiates a particular desire for interactive and dynamic narratives. My imagination is arrested by truly great games, and in turn inspires me to create more intentionally in all aspects of life.