Gaming Cypher

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Most of my childhood was dedicated to raising my Pokémon, but nowadays I find myself taking time off to enjoy indie games and RPGs. I have always been fascinated by how easily videogames immerse us into their own worlds and stories, and I hope to be a part of this one day. Until then, I would like to serve my gamer community in helping you to navigate between the great and the overhyped.

After being addicted to all things Call of Duty for several years, I decided to broaden my gaming horizons, and I am extremely glad I did. There are so many quality games out there, and I want to experience as many as possible. I watch YouTube way more than TV. Not much of a sports guy, but archery is life. If I could choose anyone to review me as a person, I wouldn't pick any reviewers from IGN since my body is about 60% water.

As a young adult, I find myself drawn towards the competitiveness and the challenge that online gaming provides. My most preferred gaming genres include multiplayer based teamwork and strategy such as RPGs, shooters, MOBAs, MMOs, and top-down strategy games. While I've utilized and enjoyed both Xbox and PlayStation gaming platforms, I find that I prefer the use of a PC.

A gamer turned into a game developer. A huge batman fan and follower of Arkham Series, generally I like to play mostly Action and RPG genre of Games. Into the Abyss!!! PSN: AbyssRyder

I like to think of myself as the average Joe who grew up alongside video games. I have fun playing strategy games, RPGs, shooters, sandboxes, the whole shebang! Every game provides an experience whether it strikes you as profound, mundane, or someplace in between. I'd like to weigh in my two cents before you spend a single penny.

Over the years, I've lived in Korea, Singapore, Austin, Massachusetts, and San Diego. Through it all I've managed to find a way to make gaming a part of my life. I don't plan on changing that.

My name is Jess, I am a big fan of any RPG. Whether it be old fashioned Dungeons & Dragons or a video game. The stories and experiences are what it's all about. For the adventure!

I am a former college football player and aspiring engineer. Despite being rather busy I enjoy gaming in my down time as well as a bit of writing to sharpen my creative thinking.

I am a football player at The University of San Diego who loves to write and play videogames with the precious downtime I have. Looking to play all kinds of games and learn all kinds of new stories.