Gaming Cypher

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Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Collaborates with Atelier Marie and Atelier Ryza

Fantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, a free-to-play online action role-playing game, and the well-liked cozy JRPGs Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key and Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg are working together on a double-figure basis, SEGA revealed today.

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Collaborates with Atelier Marie and Atelier Ryza

During the collaboration period, log in to obtain a life-size cutout. Build Bos, Klaudia, and Ryza Parts as Bonuses for Logging in! On May 15th, AC Scratch Ticket: Atelier Style will be available. Along with an Emote that may be used to emulate Ryza’s Synthesis, avatar goods for Klaudia, Bos, Marie, and Ryza are on the way. Along with a ton of other stuff, it will include Weapon Camo inspired by Agnes Luce, the Cosmic Staff, and other game weapons, as well as Music Discs with “That Summer Hideout” and more tunes.

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Collaborates with Atelier Marie and Atelier Ryza

The English character voices and completely localized text in the global version of PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 NEW GENESIS will keep the content up to date with the Japanese servers. You can get more information HERE.

Related: SEGA Shares Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis First NGS Headline of 2024

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.