Nintendo has teamed up with Parker Brothers to release two new games in September, featuring The Legend of Zelda Monopoly...
Year: 2014
Konami promoted its Executive Vice President, Tomohiro Uesugi, to President of Konami Digital. In a statement that was published...
Just a few days ago, the Walking Dead 2: Episode 2 was dated by TellTale Games for PS3 and Xbox 360 and...
Insomniac Games just announced that several of its former members, Inkling Games, have started a quirky space colonization sim, The...
Developer WayForward Technologies just announced via Twitter, that Shantae and the Pirate's Curse will be delayed another two months until...
Another video has been released for Respawn Entertainment's coveted title, Titanfall. This follows the Titanfall Xbox Achievements that were released...
Although Bethesda Softworks has not given any official word, an E3 2013 reveal screenshot was captured for Dishonored II: Darkness...
Vanguard Princess by developer Tomoaki Sugeno was released today on Steam. Here is how Vanguard Princess is described: Government experiments...