Developer Batterstaple Games has announced that the spiritual successor to Mega Man, 20XX has launched its Beta today.
20XX is a game built to feel like Mega Man X, but with procedurally generated levels, random powerups, permanent death, and multiplayer.
The game uses a procedural level generation algorithm that builds levels from a certain number of mechanics at a time; switching rapidly between playing like an action game and playing like a platformer, mixing precision jumping with fevered combat.
Add in permadeath and over 100 powerups to find in between agonizing deaths and you’ve got hours of nail-biting jumping-and-shooting goodness on your hands.
Also, 20XX features full co-op. Play with your buddy on the couch or over the interwebs.
Here is the Beta Trailer:
In addition, there was a huge update today along with the Beta launch.
0.785 Patch Notes:
- A new mode has been added (Casual), aimed at smoothing the getting-into-20XX experience out a bit.
- Casual mode runs begin with the player choosing three of his unlocked passives to start with. Any three! No duplicates.
- Casual mode runs are not Leaderboard-eligible.
- Casual mode is available for any number of players (local or online). In online co-op, whatever the host picks is also awarded to the client.
- Normal mode awards slightly more Soul Nuts than Casual.
- Arctech (Frostor) has received one million changes.
- Complete visual overhaul! (There’s still a lot of tiling polish to do.)
- Many/all level bits have been cleaned up, improved, or totally overhauled.
- Enemy placement diversification +1000%.
- New Hazard: Motion Traps (name pending). They’re basically flame geysers that only trigger when you pass in front of the trap.
- Teleporters now transport the player much faster.
- Targeters now reset when the player takes damage, preventing the terrible double-whammy scenario. This includes fall damage. (The actual rule is “the targeter can’t target the player during his invuln frames.”)
- Targeter damage no longer scales (capped at 1).
- Beta Creepers (late-game exploding spiders) no longer also explode on death.
- All Creepers now explode much faster once activated.
- Penguins now require line of sight to start dashing at the player.
- Kur’s fire breath attack now only fires off one salvo before level 5.
- Kur’s Quintlaser attack now fires 2 cubes before level 5 (down from 3). The cubes now move 25% faster at all levels.
- Death Lotus now no longer damages players that bump into him while he’s hiding.
- Touching lava (and lava-like things) now sends the player back to his last safe landing, even if the player has recently taken damage (in which case no further damage is incurred).
- Starting the Daily Challenge/Hardcore no longer clears your Soul Nuts. Additionally, Soul Nuts no longer display during challenges.
- Added a “really continue?” prompt when you try to start a game in Normal/Casual, but could still afford to buy something with your Soul Nuts. This prompt does not trigger during online play.
- Added tooltips for the various game modes and for the Skulls menu.
- Added in some bonus Skytemple level pieces!
- Improved the corner of Skytemple’s track platforms that’d bump you upward as the platform changes direction. (It still wobbles a tiny bit.)
- Revamped the boss gate visual.
- Dialogue/Lore’s taking a nap until we’re sure of how to do it right.
- Fixed a bug causing Rollster Gamma’s late-game split ability to produce lame offspring.
- Fixed a bug causing the Mace Knight’s shield to continue to block Ace’s attacks for a bit after the shield falls.
- Fixed an issue where lategame bosses with Undying would bug out the boss HP bar.
- Fixed a bug causing Ace’s Axe to deal no damage in net co-op if the player is not the host.
- The new Penguin Boss sometimes gets a saw blade stuck in his mouth.
- One Arctech chunk has been disabled (due to not being tiled yet).
- The drop-down tooltips at level starts and boss fights will have a boss portrait accompanying them; they don’t yet.
- Arctech’s End Chunk teleporters display a little oddly.
20XX is currently on Steam Early Access.
Related: 20XX Announced, Beta Begins Sep. 15
Source: Press Release
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