If you really enjoyed playing Mega Man X, then 20XX is the next game for you. 20XX will give not only the look of playing an old-fashioned side-scrolling game, but also the feel as well. The characters even fit in to metallic suits of armor that look very similar to Mega Man. Fire Hose Games was one of the developers for 20XX, along with, Batterystaple Games, which was both the publisher to the game and a developer.
20XX itself follows both Nina and Ace who have to deal with the aftermath of a robotic uprising. They are hired by a scientific team the defend robots in areas that are filled with them. The story itself is not truly that well developed. There are cutscenes throughout the game, but the game itself is not truly story driven.
There are two characters that you play as in 20XX. The one that you start out with is Nina, a female gunner, and the other is Ace the swordsman (the weapons are energy based). Both characters are easy to control and fun to play. As a gunner, Nina gives the option for players to stay far away and kill enemies from a distance, and Ace’s sword gives players that aggressive option to get up close and personal.
One of the great features about playing 20XX is that there is a co-op mode. Nina and Ace’s fighting style are different enough that players can actually use them to use them in very strategic ways. Obviously, the game can still be played as a signal player, but there is something about playing co-op that adds an extra layer of excitement to a game.
Before every run you spawn in a hub area, which is actually a space station orbiting the world that you are in. This hub is where some of the most important parts of the game is. In the hub you can switch characters, but you can also upgrade your characters here. You upgrade your characters via Soul Chips. You get these from defeating bosses and special enemies. The game also gives you both daily and weekly challenges, as well as, keeping track of you scores attaching that to a leaderboard.
The levels are randomly generated, and you probably will not play the same level back to back. There are ten different rooms that you have to beach. Each of which has a boss to defeat and obstacles to overcome. Do not forget to upgrade your characters collect all the currency you can! It makes it much easier to make it through each room with an upgraded character. To upgrade you can either go to the item shop or complete challenges that the zones present you. For me when I completed a challenge and got an upgrade it was much more satisfying. Getting these upgrades are central to the game.
The game’s soundtrack is always fantastic. I did not find myself muting the game because the music did not connect with the game. Also, the colors in 20XX are top notch and make the game itself feel like a modern-day arcade game.
If the story elements to the game were stronger it would have a higher rating; however, if you are a Mega Man X fan and enjoy playing old-fashioned arcade like games, 20XX is probably a game that you should look into playing.
Overall 7.5/10
Check Out the 20XX Launch Trailer:
Xbox One Review
I have always loved playing video games. As a writer, I see them as interactive stories. Just like with books and movies/television, people can become so immersed in a completely different world. I play a wide range of games like: Stardew Valley, The Witcher, Fortnite, and Destiny. I'm just a graduate student that writes stories and plays video games.
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