Gaming Cypher

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REVIEW of Assassin’s Creed #002 Comic Trial By Fire

REVIEW of Assassin’s Creed #002 Comic Trial By Fire

This is Gaming Cypher’s review of Titan Comics’ second Assassin’s Creed Comic, Trial By Fire by writers Anthony Del Col and Conor McCreery (Kill Shakespeare) with Artist, Neil Edwards and Colorist, Ivan Nunes.

The first part of the Assassin’s Creed Comic series featured the main character, Charlotte de la Cruz, who is unhappy and feels as though with her level of education (Harvard), she is totally wasting her time in her underemployed position in San Diego, California. She is then recruited to utilize the Animus technology in order to access the memories of her Assassin ancestor, Tom Stoddard, during the Salem Witch Hunt time period. She finds out during her first trial with the Animus Tech that it’s not as easy as it seems, but she is determined to continue and access the needed memories before the Templars capture her and silence her permanently.

In Comic #2, events in Salem turn terrifying as Assassin Tom Stoddard faces the townspeople’s rising hysteria while they bay for the blood of supposed witches. Viewing his memories, Charlotte witnesses how deep the feud with the Templars goes – and how brutal the choices to be made in her new life will be!

I found myself unable to stop reading Trial By Fire as the story line continues to be riveting and almost spell bounding. True to Assassin’s Creed form, the artwork is phenomenal and portrays the poses, fighting stances and moves that you would expect to see within the game itself. The Assassin, Tom Stoddard, behaves exactly as you would expect from an Assassin’s Creed protagonist, Comes Charlotte, the female main character in the story and she is just what the story needs – beauty, brains and modern thinking in a Salem, witch-hunting era.

Part #2 ends in a critical point, where you are definitely wishing you had #3 comic right then and there.

Overall, great job and kudos to the Assassin’s Creed Comic team. Definitely recommend this segment of the 5-part series.

You can purchase Assassin’s Creed Comics on the official website.

Related: INTERVIEW: Assassin’s Creed​ Comics’ Co-Writer Anthony Del Col

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