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NICE SLICE Review for Nintendo Switch

NICE SLICE Review for Nintendo Switch

Don’t you wish sometimes you could slice into things super quick? You’re a knife in the kitchen and it’s your job to slice pieces of food as fast as you can to get the highest score before time runs out. Be careful though! If you miss the target, your time will run out faster. Check out Nice Slice for the Nintendo Switch for a hilarious, tap battle of fun!

Nice Slice is published by Kool2Play, who started in 2014 with a focus in independent gaming through cell phones. Since 2018, they have focused more on gaming systems and PC to expand their horizon in the gaming community. Currently, Kool2Play has produced eight games on several different platforms.

NICE SLICE Review for Nintendo Switch

At first glance, this game seems a bit monotonous but once you get the hang of chopping and slicing, it becomes a little more interesting as you can afford to buy the in game upgrades. The knives you can choose from are named after many pop culture references. From Keira Knightley to Cthulhu, each knife has a special powers and you can use it to your advantage. My personal favorite is Cthulhu since its shaped like a smiling purple octopus.

Overall, Nice Slice is a good, casual play game. I definitely used it to relieve stress from a hard day or to calm down from frustrating day at work. While the design was fun, I did get bored after a while. It does not draw to adults as much as originally anticipated. I do believe that kids will be endlessly entertained by the limitless taping and willingness to increase their score.

Key Features:

  • Fun for the whole family
  • 1 player or 2 player mode
  • Hilarious exploits and references
  • Hours of entertainment for children.
  • Many playable Knife Characters

Score: 6/10

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Nintendo Switch Review
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