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Play Endwar Online: Tech Assault for Free This Weekend Only

Tom Clancy’s EndWar Online: Tech Assault Beta became live last month for lucky individuals with a key.

Now, Ubisoft just announced that everyone will be able to play Tech Assault Part 2 this weekend without a key.

In addition, the developer will be holding its first Happy Hour in which they’ll be giving away tons of cool prizes, including keys for the Closed Beta.

Ubisoft stated the following,

There will however be a fixed number of player slots that will be accessed on a first come, first served, basis. Slots will of course be freed up as Generals leave the game to chow down but try your best to get in when the server goes live. When we hit the Closed Beta, a key will be required, so this is your chance to help test the game before that happens!

Below are the global server opening times:


Here is the official announcement tweet by Ubisoft:

So head on over to the Endwar Online: Tech Assault Part 2 website during your allotted timeframe and start playing.

Source: Endwar Online

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