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Lineage2M Major Update Features Addition of New Oren Territory

Lineage2M, the mobile free-to-play immersive 3D MMORPG from NCSOFT, launches its first major update in the West today with the addition of the new in-game area of Oren. Comprised of grassland, wetland, and snowy environments, Oren adds new content and equipment that can only be obtained by defeating monsters in the new territory. Players will have a chance to explore areas including the Enchanted Valley and Sea of Spores to unlock new resources and gear. 

Check Out the Lineage2M New Oren Territory Trailer:

Lineage2M Major Update Features Addition of New Oren Territory

As a special way to commemorate the update, NC is celebrating by giving players free gifts, including ‘Leah’s Golden Ticket,’ ‘Inheritor’s Gear Chest,’ ‘Oren’s Secret Chest,’ and more.
Lineage2M boasts 4K ultra-HD 3D environments, seamless loading time, and large-scale, open world battles of more than 10,000 players. The game is free to play on mobile devices or NC’s own mobile-to-PC cross-play platform, PURPLE.

To find out more information about Lineage2M or to download and begin playing the game for free, please visit the official website.

Related: Lineage2M Now Available in North America and Europe

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