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War Thunder Heading to PS4 on June 3rd

Gaijin Entertainment has announced that free-to-play War Thunder is heading to PS4 on June 3rd.

War Thunder Heading to PS4 on June 3rd

Here is what the developer’s Head of PR, Alexander Trifonov, had to say,

For us in Gaijin Entertainment, this new generation of of gaming is all about experimentation and new business models, and War Thunder is a prime example of this: a cross-platform, free-to-play, massively multiplayer historical combat game.

The most important part is that War Thunder is an online game and it evolves constantly. There were several major updates for the PC version of the game since November, including the launch of the Ground Forces expansion pack. This addition allows players to control armored vehicles such as tanks and anti-air guns which are fighting planes in some of the game modes. This simulates the realities of war where different army branches always supplemented each other in battles.

Our idea was to present PS4 players in North America with the latest version of the game, and today we’re proud to announce that War Thunder is coming out on June 3rd and it includes the Ground Forces expansion from the start! And, of course, all of the other exciting features found in the latest 1.41 version of the game — 350 different planes, squadron battles, 150 different multiplayer missions, and single-player campaigns and scenarios.

Related: Ground Forces PC Beta Begins, Teaser Trailer

Source: PlayStation Blog

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