Gaming Cypher

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Skyhill New Trailer Released


Skyhill New Trailer Released

Mandragora and Daedalic Entertainment have released a new trailer for the new noir survival roguelike, Skyhill.

The “Skyhill” is a luxury hotel, in which you, as the game’s protagonist, have recently rented a penthouse in.  But suddenly, something happens, something evil, something inexplicable — and the building fills with monsters and mutants. The only way out is the main doors in the ground floor, a hundred stories below. You need to fight your way through the hotel – defeating unknown horrors while collecting gear and materials to help craft better weapons. All while fighting one of your most powerful foes – the need for food and water.

Maybe you can just hide out in the hotel, waiting for help to arrives – but what if nobody comes? What if this is the “end of days”, and you’re truly alone?

Take a look at the new trailer:

Skyhill will be releasing October 2015 for PC, Mac and Linux for $14.99.

Related: Daedalic’s Skyhill Screenshots and Details

Source: Press Release

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