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Aaru’s Awakening – Alpha Gameplay Video

Aarus Awakening1

Lumenox Games, an Indie developer, is currently working on its platformer, Aaru’s Awakening.

The game is currently part of Steam Greenlight and is described as ‘a hand drawn 2D action platformer. You are the champion of Dawn, Aaru. As you complete missions and explore the world of Lumenox, you must make the most of Aaru’s highly mobile skills, teleportation and charging.’

You can view the alpha gameplay trailer below:

The key features of Aaur’s Awakening are:

  • Hand drawn art – Unique art style drawn completely by hand.
  • Compelling Story – Artistic narrated cut-scenes.
  • Dreamy Music – Dreamy hymns that immerse you into the Lumenox world
  • Lumenox Residents – Otherworldly inhabitants – who are full of strange agendas, such as extreme hunger for light, slime fetish and electricity lust.

You can also check out the official FaceBook page and support them there.

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