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Albion Online Gatherer Equipment Available Now

Albion Online Gatherer Equipment Available Now

The Galahad update has added powerful new gear to Albion Online

Berlin – Development studio Sandbox Interactive shared details on the new gear added to their Sandbox MMORPG Albion Online with the latest content update, Galahad. With the player-driven economy of Albion Online, gathering resources is just as big of a part of life as fighting battles. The new Gatherer Equipment allows gatherers access to new gear, complete with helpful spells, to give them a leg up in their foraging endeavors.

Harvesters, lumberjacks, miners, quarriers and skinners can rejoice. Their profession-specific four-piece sets grant them major bonuses through passive spells, several basic spells and one unique spell per for every cap, garb and workboots piece. To get their hands on the gear, players must first unlock it through the respective gatherer line on the Destiny Board. Once that’s achieved, the items need to be crafted by Toolmakers. And then it’s off to reap the rewards of the Gatherer Equipment. So whether you want to get fiber, wood, ore, stone or animal hide, you’re best advised to get your hands on the new gear. Especially since the visuals of the gears will be updated soon, making the sets not just valuable in terms of bonuses, but also make the wearer stand out from the crowd.

Albion Online Gatherer Equipment Available Now

For more details on the new Gatherer Equipment, please go here:

To get Albion Online, head over to the official website.

Related: Albion Online Galahad Update Available Starting Today, New Trailer

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