Gaming Cypher

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Anna’s Quest Details and PC Preview

We had the pleasure of previewing point-and-click adventure title Anna’s Quest over the past weekend, by developer Krams Design and Daedalic Entertainment.

Anna's Quest Details and PC Preview

Anna’s Quest is about a girl who is desperately searching for a cure to aid her sick grandfather. While she searches, she gets trapped by an evil witch who wants to experiment on her in a house that is filled with all types of torture machines, bears and goblins. As a result of her captivity, Anna develops telekinetic powers, which aid her with her search of escape.


  • ‘Telekinesis’ icon giving new depths to puzzle design and player interaction
  • A range of traditional, frame-by-frame 2D animations, including introduction and ending cutscenes
  • An Original Soundtrack by James Flamestar
  • Full voice acting! Featuring the talent of:

Here are some screenshots:

And, here is the official trailer:

Anna’s Quest is filled with lots of puzzles that will sometimes leave you stumped. Make sure to listen to the clues throughout the quest and pay close attention to what she is being asked to search for.

Overall, we had a great time playing the game and can’t wait to see the final product.

Anna’s Quest is set to release this summer for PC and Mac.

Source: Official Website

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