If you like puzzles, platformers, and Victorian London, Lunar Great Wall Studio’s Another Sight is a game that just might be up your nineteenth century alley!
The game stars Kit, a Victorian era teenage girl, who finds herself non-conventionally blinded, with an almost Daredevil type of second sight, and her new best friend and cat guide, Hodge, as they travel through fantastical backdrops thematically based off of London Underground and other fantastical locales. The story also incorporates famous historical figures of the period, such as Florence Nightingale, the mother of all modern nursing, in interesting ways relating to Kit’s backstory, a plus for gamers who enjoy a bit of historical fiction.
As the name would suggest, through seemingly mystical means, Kit is now almost completely blind to the world around her, and rather than seeing with her eyes open, she can see movement with her eyelids shut. Essentially, everything out of Kit’s immediate vicinity is pitch black unless it is loud and moving quickly. Sound is an integral part of Kit’s other sight, as Hodge’s verbal meows, the clanking of machinery and squeaking of rats allow her to navigate using an almost bat-like echo location power. This alone would not be enough for her to traverse through the worlds of Another Sight, and it falls to her feline friend Hodge to help guide her through the levels.
This is where the art style of Another Sight goes from fun to functional. Kit’s movement will slow to a walk without aid from any sound or movement around her, and she will desperately resort to sticking her hands out in front of her, attempting to find a wall or other solid object to help her move safely around the environment. Anytime Hodge or another object or being in the game moves, it will create a trail for her to follow, allowing her to move at a normal running pace, which is essential for avoiding pitfalls, guards, pounding pistons and other assorted steampunk fantasy hazards in her way.
Another Sight’s gameplay thus relies on a back and forth switching mechanic between Kit and Hodge in order to solve a variety of puzzles, ranging from the ever-classic level pull to open a door, to more complex ones involving elevators, boxes, hot steam, ladders and power generator rewiring. The game controls very well, with a quick switch button for the player characters, and movement, coupled with the aforementioned visual feedback of Kit’s character, feels smooth and natural, mending together the gameplay and story relatively seamlessly.
Another Sight is a well-made, polished, and atmospheric game, with much to offer for history buffs as well as puzzle patrons. While I am more of a dog person, this Kit and cat adventure through steampunk sewers and beyond has a lot to offer for both the experienced and casual adventurer. It all feels very laid back and relaxing, allowing the player to test their brain against many fun puzzles while also kicking back to enjoy a good story. This is the kind of game that is really enjoyable to unwind to, so if you are up for it, grab a spot of tea, some biscuits, and say hello to jolly old England!
Graphics: 8
Music: 7
Story: 9
Controls: 8
Gameplay: 9
Check Out the Another Sight Trailer:
Another Sight is available for PC Via Steam.
Steam Review
Your local neighborhood nutjob, gamer, and teacher! I'm an avid fan of many genres such as platformers, shooters, horror, etc. I am also an avid tabletop gamer - hugely into the worlds of Warhammer and all of their spinoffs. I'm a big believer in being objective - even if something is not my cup of tea, I want to talk about it on the objective level - is it well made, crafted with love, and with care for the fans? If so, that's a good game in my book for someone and well worth their hard earned dollarydoos!
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