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New Chapters Advancing the Epic Narrative, New Game Modes and Anticipated Moscow Map

In the modern tank shooter, Armored Warfare, a new season is ready to unfold as commanders follow war-hardened Magnus Holter, the former mercenary of a military corporation, betrayed and seeking revenge on the nefarious Clayburn Industries. Global publisher and developer proudly announces the third entry to Armored Warfare’s seasonal content, the European-themed Moscow Calling.”  Unlike previous seasons, which split the story into two parts, players will be treated to its full story arc and be introduced to four new missions as well as a number of epic achievements, customization options, and a special co-operative gameplay mode that is sure to challenge commanders of all skill levels! For players willing to embark on this exciting new addition, Moscow Calling will present  the most thrilling Armored Warfare missions to date!

Season Three of ARMORED WARFARE “Moscow Calling” Features: 

An All-New Special Operation:

During players’ previous adventures in the desert and in the far north, they have dealt a crippling blow to Clayburn Industries. With the main driving force behind its expansion, CEO Sebastian Grimm, out of the picture, its resistance crumbles everywhere as, all around the world, its assets are being seized by the ISD. A great summit is called to Moscow to make peace with the largest corporations on the planet once and for all and the players, as a key actor of the events of the last two years, are invited…

Moscow PvP Map:

A new large urban PvP map awaits all tank commanders, based on one of the largest boulevards in Moscow. No one sleeps on this rainy night as various armored vehicles slug it out in the pale streetlights under the gaze of the rich and privileged watching the action from their high-rise apartments surrounding the area.

Despite its city setting, the map will be fairly open with wide streets offering a lot of room to maneuver. Some areas such as tunnels and various construction sites, will, however, offer a lot of cover, making the map suitable for all kinds of vehicles.


One of the main focuses for this season is giving the players more things to do after they have expanded their vehicle collection. Apart from the upcoming Battle Path campaign, a number of activities and improvements, such as a new war games mode, additional vehicle progression and improved contact mission rewards have been added to ensure plenty of spoils and awards for even AW most seasoned players to achieve.

Gameplay Mechanics Improvements

And last but most definitely not least, season three will be introducing several bug fixes and mechanics enhancements including commander progression systems, daily bonuses, smoke visuals and the armor viewer. For more details on the changes please read more about them here.

Armored Warfare – the future of modern tank shooters is currently available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC through My.comGameCenter and Steam.

Related: ARMORED WARFARE Arabian Nights – Part II Now Out on PC

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