Gaming Cypher

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Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag – Blackbeard’s Wrath DLC Outed

Even though Ubisoft hasn’t officially announced the Blackbeard’s Wrath DLC, some details have emerged.


The expansion was confirmed via Twitter, however, by Tim Browne, Lead Game Designer of Assassin’s Creed 3 and 4’s multiplayer.

Specifically, the new content will feature three new character classes for the game’s online mode – The Jaguar, The Orchid and Blackbeard himself.

In addition, a few trophies have appeared online for the upcoming DLC. You can check them out below, but beware of SPOILERS:

Sacred Land
Playing as The Jaguar, be the highest scoring player of a Domination game session
Queen Anne’s Revenge
Playing as Blackbeard, perform an acrobatic kill and a gun kill in less than 10 seconds
Preemptive Strike
Playing as The Orchid, block 10 abilities from opponents with Sabotage
Elevator to the Gallows
Kill a player using a lift that has been trapped with Booby Trap

What did you think? Are you looking forward to playing as Blackbeard?

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