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Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag – PS4 Resolution Patch

Ubisoft will release a PS4 patch shortly for Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag in order to bring the game’s resolution up from 900p to 1080p.


Ubisoft Community Manager, Gary Steinman, stated,

“Finishing the game at 900p gave the development team the extra room in terms of the GPU and CPU usage to ensure the framerate never dips below 30 frames per second,” he stated. “The team then used the time between the ship date and the release to focus on a title update that could deliver native 1080p resolution on the PS4.”

“The most important part of this title update is not necessarily 1080p native resolution,” added associate producer Sylvain Trottier. “It’s the fact that even when we were done with the project, even when we were finished with the certification and everything else, even when most of the engineers had started to work on other projects – like we always do at Ubisoft – some of my engineers continued to work on Black Flag and they even developed a brand-new anti-aliasing technique.”

In addition, Steinman said that current PS4 players should “pay special attention to finer details like the ropes on the ships.”

The anti-aliasing technique will be available for both PS4 and Xbox One.

In case you missed it, check out the game’s PS4 viral teaser video.

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