Gaming Cypher

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Assassin’s Creed Unity Under Arno’s Hood Video

Developer Ubisoft has released a new video for Assassin’s Creed Unity featuring Under Arno’s Hood.

Take a look at the new video that features the following – Who is Arno Dorian? What is his mission? Where will his journey take him? Meet Dan Jeanotte, the man breathing life into our newest Assassin. We spoke to the hero of Assassin’s Creed Unity to get all the details on Arno and ask what it was like stepping into those shoes – or, rather, pulling on that hood.

Assassin’s Creed Unity will release November 11 in the States and November 14 in Europe for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Related: Assassin’s Creed Unity TV Trailer

Source: Ubisoft

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