JackQuest: The Tale of the Sword is a simple RPG platformer that is fast and entertaining indie game developed by...
Crystal Arroyo
I have been a pretty casual gamer for most of my life. One of my favorite games I always fall back to is the Pokémon franchise, like Pokemon Sapphire and Yellow, as well as indie games for PC. I enjoy indie games a lot as well as RPG's.
Ginger: Beyond the Crystal is a beautiful game on face value developed by Drakhar Studio and published by Badland Games,...
Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game is not just any restaurant tycoon game out there and the developers, Inner Void, know its...
Imagine: you are a young girl who has a nightmare about your black cat, distorted puppets, and a theater that...
Marble It Up! is a game where physics is either your best friend or your worst enemy. Launched by Bad...