Developer Frictional Games has released an extended gameplay video for sci-fi horror game SOMA. SOMA will release September 22, 2015 for PS4...
Galit Gordon
Namco Bandai Games has released a new video for Tekken 7 featuring Kazumi. Related: Tekken 7 New Yoshimitsu Trailer Source: GamesHQMedia
Publisher and developer House on Fire has announced that its award winning mobile game The Silent Age is now on Steam...
Dutch developer Gamious (Briquid Mini) has announced that physics platformer iO is now available on Google Play and NVIDIA Shield devices....
Manchester’s biggest video gaming show, PLAY Expo, returns for its fourth year. Tickets for PLAY Expo, the North’s biggest gaming...
The Humble Weekly Bundle Relic Entertainment is now live and includes Company of Heroes & Warhammer. Your purchase supports: Humble Weekly...
Indie Royale The Debut 27 Bundle is now live. The Debut 27 Bundle has launched! The latest collection of games...
Developer XINESS Games has released the PS4 launch trailer for Ender of Fire, which is currently on Steam. Story: A...