UPDATE: Ubisoft raised a final total of $171,183 for The AbleGamers Charity! "We're delighted with the success of the Sixth...
Galit Gordon
https://youtu.be/-feNgSEO6V0 Redeem the Dex Rhino Skin and Connect With Friends for a Month-Long Anniversary Celebration With Weekly Challenges and Rewards...
https://youtu.be/_OtqLeLIoTM Today, SQUARE ENIX unveiled a plethora of extra content for NieR Replicantver.1.22474487139…, the modern re-telling of the cult classic NieR Replicant,...
Popular Game Supports Efforts to Legitimize Specially Coined Word, in Tribute to an Inspiring Father and Lover of Words Lost...
https://youtu.be/9lK8Ce04z9Y Solo developer BenStar, a.k.a. Benjamin Kiefer, with support from publisher Dear Villagers (ScourgeBringer, The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk) today released...
Here are a few tips for beginners that are looking to get into their first raid. Going into a raid...
https://youtu.be/FU-uTSjYuZc Capcom today aired another information-packed Resident Evil Showcase program including new information on the upcoming highly anticipated survivor horror title Resident...
https://youtu.be/jD4R5dOIKQ4 Wubba lubba dub dub! Sledge Gromflomite and Smoke Pickle Rick bundles are available now Ubisoft and Adult Swim have ...