Capcom, a renowned developer and publisher of video games, has finally released the much-awaited action-RPG, Dragon's Dogma 2 on PlayStation...
Galit Gordon
Amuzo Games, a renowned publisher of mobile entertainment, has officially announced a special Easter Event that is currently taking place...
Online casinos have been popular for some time, as they offer casino fans from all over the world to enjoy...
Paradox Interactive and Whatboy Games announced at the Future Games Show that Nexus 5X will launch on April 18, 2024,...
The popular MMORPG, Runes of Magic, celebrated its 15th anniversary this week. To mark the occasion, Gameforge announced the release...
Rockstar Games is happy to announce updated content in GTA Online. Embrace the Mayhem of Motor Wars and Get 2X GTA$ and...
Herocraft announces that the 4X strategy game, Revival: Recolonization, will be available for PC release on April 11, 2024. Currently,...
Today, ATLUS announced that the release date of their upcoming RPG, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, has been moved up...