SAN FRANCISCO - Ubisoft has announced "Operation Dark Hours", the first eight-player raid in Tom Clancy's The Division franchise history,...
Galit Gordon
PADERBORN, GERMANY — Rescue HQ - The Tycoon, the emergency services management simulation developed by stillalive studios and published by the sim...
Today YAGER announced an extended, weekend-long playtest for its upcoming competitive quest shooter, The Cycle. The extended playtest will run from...
STRANGERS – AWAKEN Cross-Genre, Cross-Platform Magic Battle Royale Needs Your Support on Kickstarter
Palo Alto, CA - Strangers-Awaken, a magic battle royale with the best from BR and RPG, launches on Kickstarter. Most...
Create the Ultimate Battle-bot with Cobbled Together Junkyard Treasures, then Team Up With Allies, and Craft Revenge in the Ultimate...
Discover the aristocratic Pigmen and survive the Aporkalypse Vancouver, Canada – Klei, the critically-acclaimed independent games studio behind the much... SAN FRANCISCO — Today, Ubisoftannounced that the top eight teams of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Pro League will gather... Rebellion announced that Sniper Elite V2 Remastered is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC....