Outright Games, the leading global publisher of family-friendly interactive entertainment, and MGA Entertainment (MGA), one of the largest and fastest growing privately...
Galit Gordon
DreadXP has released the super-duper charming yet horrifying Amanda the Adventurer on Nintendo Switch! Players will learn, laugh, and lament...
CounterAttack: Uprising – an indie side-scrolling space shooter with customizable ships, weapons, and a full-featured campaign editor – will finally...
Behaviour Interactive has unveiled Sector 2: Shattered Peak, the second major update for Meet Your Maker, set to launch on September 26. Community...
Rockstar Games is happy to announce updated content in GTA Online. Join Los Santos’ Automotive Underground and Enjoy Auto Shop Bonuses All...
After much anticipation and excitement, Starbreeze and Deep Silver (PLAION) are excited to announce that PAYDAY 3, the ultimate co-op heist shooter...
Isn’t it time to get away from it all? Indie developer Studio Supersoft and publisher Raw Fury have released Moonstone Island,...
In the digital era, the world of gaming has undergone a transformation, shifting from offline consoles to vast online platforms....