In the modern age of video games where hyper realistic graphics, ambitious storytelling, and the focus on live services, the...
Josh Freeman
What does it mean to be haunted by the past? How do we confront the ghosts of what was and...
I love pets. Everyone loves pets. So, when I saw that the fine folks at Long Term Games and Enjoy...
The struggle to create any piece of art is that of taking one’s inspirations and creating something distinctly unique out...
Some of us view video games as a way to relax after a hard day of work. Sometimes, after that...
I feel as though I have to start off this review by admitting a few things: I am not a...
I am going to begin this review by asking you to imagine yourself sitting at home sitting through Netflix or...
I’m going to open this review by stating two objective truths about the universe: the cyberpunk genre is awesome and...