A new E3 video has been released for Pokemon Alpha Sapphire & Omega Ruby featuring Mega Sceptile and Blaziken. Take a...
Nathan Stevens
Ubisoft has released a cinematic trailer for Assassin’s Creed Unity during its E3 2014 press conference. Now, a new trailer has been released...
Nintendo introduced a brand new IP today for the 3DS, Code Name: S.T.E.A.M., which will be developed by Intelligent Systems....
A new E3 3DS trailer has been released for Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Take a look at the new Super Smash...
Nintendo featured a new video at E3 2014 for Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy by LEVEL-5 and Capcom. Here...
Nintendo revealed PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures 2 by developer Bandai Namco during E3 2014. Here is how the developer...
Nintendo featured Avalanche Software's Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes for Wii U during E3 2014. Here is how the developer describes...
Nintendo featured a new video during E3 2014 for developer indieszero and publisher Square Enix’ Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call for 3DS....