Hamburg, July 25th 2016 - At this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Daedalic Entertainment presented news about its current and future...
Nathan Stevens
Gameforge, Sparkypants Studios, and ESL Team Up to Hold First-Ever Tournament as Dropzone Enters its Early Closed Beta Phase ...
Amsterdam, The Netherlands – July 22, 2016 – Global publisher and developer NetEase are excited to uncover the classes...
Dive Beyond Humanity and Take to the Streets of a Futuristic Japan in Squad-Based FPS Inspired by "The Ghost in...
PRAGUE, Czech Republic, July 21st 2016 – Publisher 1C will make you weigh your words with Haimrik – a game with...
During yesterday's Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Activision and Infinity Ward announced that Terminal is back! The fan-favorite...
The strategic mobile trading card game (TCG) Mabinogi Duel, based on Nexon Korea’s acclaimed MMO, will feature a special summer...
New Season in Critically-Acclaimed Series Premieres This Fall In celebration of SDCC this week, TellTale Games and Robert Kirkman’s Skybound Entertainment went...