In the depths of "Under The Waves," a creation by Parallel Studio and brought to us by the Quantic Dream...
Nick Navarro
Skating games seem to be hard to come by these days, but it feels like the indie space is where...
Embarking on the captivating adventure of "Sea of Stars" was like delving into a realm where nostalgia and magic intertwine....
As I delved into the world of "Immortals of Aveum," a creation by the emerging talents at Ascendant Studios under...
When I first heard about "WrestleQuest," I was taken aback by its unexpected fusion of pro-wrestling and JRPG elements. Developed...
I’m very disappointed in myself, being a Virgo that I’ve never heard of "Virgo Versus The Zodiac" and the game...
I’m not the biggest fan of racing games, or racing in general, but at the same time there’s that bug...
Embarking on another new and fresh and captivating journey with all the great games coming out this year, I delved...