The Aliens franchise has had its fair share of lackluster game releases, but ever since the success of "Alien: Isolation"...
Nick Navarro
"Crime Boss: Rockay City" initially released on the Epic Games Store in March and has now made its way to...
"Layers of Fear" is back once again and still developed by Bloober Team, having originally gained notoriety back in 2016...
It has been a rough year for Xbox. Exclusive games are extremely scarce. Gamers did get Redfall not too long...
Developed and published by Frictional Games, "Amnesia: The Bunker" marks the fourth installment in the renowned Amnesia series, following the...
We are finally back in hell, it's hot in here, but I like it! “Diablo IV” of course is developed...
“Street Fighter 6 (or VI?),” the latest fighting game and the first of the three big fighting games to be...
"The Lord of the Rings: Gollum," which has been in development by Daedalic Entertainment for quite some years, I recall...