Developed and published by Frictional Games, "Amnesia: The Bunker" marks the fourth installment in the renowned Amnesia series, following the...
Nick Navarro
We are finally back in hell, it's hot in here, but I like it! “Diablo IV” of course is developed...
“Street Fighter 6 (or VI?),” the latest fighting game and the first of the three big fighting games to be...
"The Lord of the Rings: Gollum," which has been in development by Daedalic Entertainment for quite some years, I recall...
Sony PlayStation hasn’t done a Showcase event since 2021 and the overall consensus when they do one of these events...
Developed by the Barcelona-based company Piccolo, known for their work on "Arise... A Simple Story" which was released back in...
“LEGO 2K Drive” marks the first collaboration between 2K Games and the beloved LEGO franchise, and it's clear that developer...
“Ys IX: Monstrum Nox” is the latest addition to the “Ys” series developed by Japanese video game developer, Nihon Falcom....