As an enthusiast of exploration adventure games, diving into the enigmatic haze of "Kona II: Brume," by Parabole, was a...
Nick Navarro
I’m a huge fan of the developers and now even publishers over at Don’t Nod Entertainment. They made a huge...
The “games as a service” term has certainly grown to garner a negative connotation within the gaming industry, at least...
A game developer that has been around for so long, yet still manages to surprise me come few and far...
Back in the fun year of 2020, when the world was very weird, people turned to staying indoors to play...
Potentially one of the most iconic franchises in video game history is none other than the Metal Gear Solid series,...
Embarking on the mystical journey of "Wizard With A Gun," developed by Galvanic Games and published by the wacky gaming...
For all the racing games I’ve reviewed at Gaming Cypher, there hasn’t been one quite like “Hot Wheels Unleashed 2:...