The third installment of the series, Wasteland 3 is one of the best tactical turn-based RPGs I played in a...
Umut Turk
Seeing the amount of open-world survival games out there, I was biased against trying out another one. There are small...
For those of you who are lovecraft fans, Transient, by developer Stormling Studios and publisher Iceberg Interactive, combines two intriguing...
It has been a while since I played a metroidvania, and it has been a pleasure to revisit the genre...
Deadside, by developer/publisher Bad Pixel, is a multiplayer open world survival game where you try to survive in a post-apocalyptic...
The Long Gate, developed by David Shaw and published by Inductance, is a challenging puzzle game based on real-world technologies....
Coronal mass eruption. No electrical devices. Risk to DNA mutations. The Rule of Land: Pioneers by publisher Gamera Game and...
I am not a big fan of racing games, mostly because I am terrible at them (I spent a fair...