Gaming Cypher

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Batman: Arkham Origins Gets ‘Hunter, Hunted’ Multiplayer Mode

Warner Bros. just announced the Batman: Arkam Origins new ‘Hunter, Hunted’ multiplayer mode.

The Hunter, Hunted mode features three Bane thugs, three Joker thugs and Batman fighting against each other without respawns.

In order to celebrate the launch of the new Hunter, Hunted mode, Warner Bros. will be hosting a double credits event tonight at 11:00pm PST.

Batman: Arkham Origins Hunter Hunted

Batman: Arkham Origins Hunter Hunted

Have you seen the Batman: Arkham Origins Initiation DLC video yet?

The Hunter, Hunted mode can be accessed now on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 through Batman: Arkham Origins’ multiplayer menu.

Are you looking forward to playing the new Hunter, Hunted mode?

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