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Battlefield 4 Looking for Volunteers to Test Platoons, Update

DICE was looking for volunteers to test Battlefield 4’s Platoons.

Battlefield 4 Looking for Volunteers to Test Platoons, Update


In accordance with BattleLogthe developer wanted to give early access to a smaller group of players in order to test certain parts of the system before a full rollout as well as get some early feedback.

UPDATE: So many volunteers responded, that the program is now locked.

“Wow, thanks for all the amazing interest! I have now locked the thread as we have gotten more than enough applies. Please bear in mind that the early access will be for just a small amount of players, but it won’t be for a long period, so everyone will be able to enjoy Platoons soon!”

You can also view the Battlefield 4 Second Assault video here.

Let us know if you were lucky and got into the Platoon early access.

Source: BattleLog

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