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Battlefield 4 New Squad Creation Feature

Battefield 4 developer DICE confirmed that there is a new squad creation feature where a new squad is created when a friend joins the game.

Battlefield 4

This comes in lieu of Battlefield 3 version of the game where players had the option of meeting friends in the lobby before going into online play.

DICE stated in a tweet that,

“We have a new feature in Battlefield where a new squad is created when a friend joins your game. You can toggle this option on or off by going into the options menu. We’re not offering the old squad join feature because we didn’t feel that the feature in Battlefield 3 was on par with the quality that we wanted to offer our players. We have no plans to add it in the future.”

Have you heard about Battlefield 4 players getting the M1911 pistol scope & Double XP on Thanksgiving weekend?

What are your thoughts about the new feature versus the old?

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