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BattleKasters Mobile Game by Author and Halo Game Designer Heading to PAX Prime

BattleKasters Mobile Game by Author and Halo Game Designer Heading to PAX Prime
BattleKasters, a new mobile game that takes players on a quest, is coming to PAX Prime 2015.

Award-winning transmedia author Alane Adams teamed up with famous game designer Brent Friedman (best known for his work on Halo), and his Seattle-based gaming company, Artifact Technologies, to create a new gaming experience based on Adam’s book series, Legends of Orkney.  This unique mobile game uses location-based technology to turn live events into virtual game boards.

This new wave in augmented reality gaming allows kids and adults to interact with characters from the book series and get excited about reading! BattleKasters has been featured on HypableBBC RadioThe CWGames Gazette, Comic Bastards and CNBC Radio just to name a few. Most recently, BattleKasters was featured on FOX 59 and WISH TV during Gen Con.

Here is the BattleKasters Driving Engagement in Reading with Transmedia Storytelling video:

About the Game

BattleKasters is a spell-casting adventure being played at fancons across the United States. A downloadable mobile game, BattleKasters is an extension of Alane Adams’ Legends of Orkney book series. It turns live events into dynamic game boards, allowing questing players to collect digital trading cards and cast magic spells that literally change the state of the game for everyone playing. Fantasy illustrator Dave Dorman, best known for his Star Wars artwork, has created original art for BattleKasters, which players of the game can win.

Created by Brent Friedman (“Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars,” “Empires & Allies” and “HALO 4.”), BattleKasters leverages Artifact Technologies’ proprietary Mixby platform, which uses location-aware technology to unlock rich experiences for users within range of specific hotspots where content can be acquired. For players of BattleKasters, that means discovering an array of interactive quests throughout event spaces such as fancons and other gathering places. Players who download the game are challenged to a race against time to cast the spells that will close a portal – the stonefire – between realms to prevent dangerous dark magic from seeping into the Earth realm.

Source: Press Release

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