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BATTLELINE: STEEL WARFARE by BANDAI NAMCO Gets Major Update with Nation Wars

BATTLELINE: STEEL WARFARE by BANDAI NAMCO Gets Major Update with Nation Wars

BATTLELINE: STEEL WARFARE — a real-time strategy, tank combat shooter from BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc. — is unleashing its biggest update yet: Nation Wars. The new update features large-scale player-versus-player (PvP) battles, new maps and reward bonuses.

Featuring 50 players in 25-versus-25 global battles, the objective is to unite the world under a single Nation’s flag by winning battles for contested territories and seizing control of the competition. Invading and defending Nations must vie for more and more territory, eventually pushing their battlelines to encompass 100% of the land within a 25-minute time limit. If the invading Nation succeeds, both teams then enter a Tower Defense phase in which the defending team must prevent their towers from being destroyed.

BATTLELINE: STEEL WARFARE by BANDAI NAMCO Gets Major Update with Nation Wars

Nation Wars is best experienced with your guild, known as Divisions, fighting together as a Nation, but is also available to all players with no level or Division (or guild) restrictions. Nation Wars will be playable on seven new maps made specifically for these large scale battles. The Nation Wars battles will run daily from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. PDT.

BATTLELINE: STEEL WARFARE by BANDAI NAMCO Gets Major Update with Nation Wars

New rewards and bonuses will also be available to players through the Nation Wars update. All Nations will receive resources of gold, oil and steel on a daily basis, and the Nation that succeeds in world unification will receive a gold reward for each season. The gold reward is only granted for total domination, therefore no region can be left unconquered.

BATTLELINE: STEEL WARFARE by BANDAI NAMCO Gets Major Update with Nation Wars

BATTLELINE: STEEL WARFARE is available for free on Steam for PC. For more details and to play the game today, please visit:

Related: BATTLELINE: STEEL WARFARE by Bandai Namco Now Available on PC

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