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Black Friday Peripheral Deals to Lookout For

Black Friday is just around the corner and for many the best time of the year to pick up the latest tech upgrades they’ve been waiting for, for gamers that often means picking up some new peripherals that have been on their wish list for quite some time. When it comes to peripherals, there’s a huge amount of choice, if you’ve ever delved into the world of betting on esports at the latest resources,  you’re able to view the full loadouts that the best players use to influence a decision, but there are other factors that could make one choice better than another.

Black Friday Peripheral Deals to Lookout For

We’ll take a look at the different types of peripherals and which upgrades will give the best bang for your buck, which brands are the best to go for, and why some players may prefer these choices over others.

An upgrade for sound and voice – For a lot of esports titles, sound is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of the game so getting some cans that deliver the sound you need is one of the best upgrades possible to make. The choice for which sound device is chosen can change quite a lot depending on needs.

A full headset is great for those looking to chat online too, something lightweight is preferred for the long gaming sessions, and then there’s often the choice between open or closed back for those who prefer sound to be kept in or don’t mind a bit of noise bleeding. For those not wanting a full headset, in-ear monitors are a great option too but often don’t come with noise cancellation or other quality of life features.

Depending on the choice here, you may also need a microphone to get chatting to your friends too – some desk mics offer fantastic studio quality at lower prices, brands like Blue and Elgato have become extremely popular in this market and make fantastic choices.

A new mouse for pinpoint accuracy – Mouse tech has come a long way, new sensors and lasers allow for pinpoint precision every single time given the right surface and the latest trend of ultralight mouses help with fatigue and comfort too. Brands like Logitech have long been a favorite for many with options like the G Pro Superlight being used by a huge number of professional players, but there are plenty of other brands available depending on the budget.

Depending on what you’re playing, mice with a different number of buttons could be useful, hardware profiles are great if you plan to travel with the mouse, and wireless mice are much better than they used to be and well worth the upgrade if you’re still using wired.

A new mat could be your cheapest improvement – When it comes to mouse mats and desk mats, there’s no exciting new technology to speak of that could give a dramatic improvement, but different mats can be used for different purposes. Large desk mats are fantastic for those that require a bit more space, whereas smaller mats are great for those limited. Color tends not to matter these days, but many still believe that classic black mats have the best tracking even for modern mice, and with a good smooth mat speed won’t ever be an issue either.

These are just a few of the many upgrade options, a new keyboard can be a great choice, new monitors and a bit more expensive but can be a fantastic option for those looking for a faster display, whenever it comes to an upgrade it’s best to test out many different options though and find the one that fits the way you play the most.

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