Gaming Cypher

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Blade: Sword of Elysion Heading to North America Mobile Devices

Blade Sword of Elysion Gaming Cypher

During PAX Prime 2015, I met with with 4:33 Creative Lab’s Daniel Hyun Lee, Global Marketing Director and Jason Lee, Global Service Group from Korea to preview hack-and-slash mobile title, Blade: Sword of Elysion.

The developers announced that the mobile game is heading to North American iOS and Android devices. The game has already been released in South Korea. I particularly enjoyed the auto mode feature, where the game actually takes the gameplay over for you. I was told that this is feature is well liked in the South Korean arena.

Blade: Sword of Elysion is a fast-paced action role-playing game that lets players challenge each other in synchronous, real-time player-versus-player (PvP) arena battles.

The game also offers multiple playable characters, a massive single-player campaign, and the truly tough Infinity Dungeon mode, which blitzes players with round after round of boss battles.

Key Features

  • Hack and Slash Your Way Through an Unreal World: Explore a beautiful, 3D fantasy realm built with the latest in Unreal technology.
  • Real-Time Hack-and Slash PvP: Put your skills to the test with the ultimate challenge: fight other players in online multiplayer duels that offer in real-time, sychnronous gameplay!
  • Explore a Deep Combat System: Choose to play as one of three characters, each with its own set of unique abilities, using melee attacks and magic powers while dodging and countering incoming attacks.
  • Gear Up For Adventure: Track down more than 100 unique in-game items over the course of your adventure to equip your character for battle.
  • An Epic Campaign: Hack your way through a sizeable, story-driven single-player campaign that offers 80 different missions to conquer. Replay missions at any time to seek out additional loot.
  • Test Your Mettle with an Infinite Challenge: Players looking for a true challenge can take on the Infinity Dungeon, which offers 100 continuous rounds of intense boss battles!

Here are the latest screenshots from PAX Prime 2015:

We’l provide you with more details as soon as they are made available, but in the meanwhile, enjoy the latest interview trailer by Unreal Engine:

Source: Press Release

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