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BLAST ZONE! TOURNAMENT Review for PlayStation 4 Pro

BLAST ZONE! TOURNAMENT Review for PlayStation 4 Pro

Intro: Bombs Away! Blast Zone! Tournament by developer Victory Lap Games is a quick play game which you navigate through a series of mazes consisting of enemies, explosives, and exciting movements. The game features various modes to choose from including online play and wide range of customization options for your character and your gaming experience.

BLAST ZONE! TOURNAMENT Review for PlayStation 4 Pro

Gameplay: Blast Zone! Tournament isn’t a game of much substance but it does strongly enforce the concept of a “easy play backed by strategy and navigation.” Your characters may face numerous objective within each map such as; destroy your opponent(s), get to the designated area, and dodge explosives to stay alive. Although my objective was always made clear to me, the means to complete it wasn’t. There were many instances when I had trouble determining certain aspects of the game such as my blast radius, the point system, and the pacing. These are elements of the game I feel that should be understood.

BLAST ZONE! TOURNAMENT Review for PlayStation 4 Pro

Design: I strongly believe the overall design of Blast Zone! Tournament is very detailed and unique. The design and aesthetic to the game stays true throughout and gives the game a very appropriate cartoon sense. I also like the extensive customization for your character, it gives much option to explore. I would like to see this same effort executed into the actual game maps though. This is mainly because most of the in-game maps are very one dimensional and stiff, and doesn’t hold the same clarity as some of the other designs.

BLAST ZONE! TOURNAMENT Review for PlayStation 4 Pro

Verdict: Blast Zone! Tournament is a solid game but still lacks in important areas such as intended purpose. The addition of strong character designs but the lack of voice produced mixed feelings for my overall impression of the game. I think the potential is there but the structure isn’t so much in place.

Pros: Quickplay, Character Designs, Many Levels, Customizable, Ticking Explosives, Online Play

Cons: No Voice, Map Layout, Redundant Gameplay, Structure

Score: 7/10

Check Out the Blast Zone! Tournament Release Trailer:

In addition, take a look at these short gameplay videos:

Blast Zone! Tournament Video #1

Blast Zone! Tournament Video #2

Blast Zone! Tournament Video #3

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PlayStation 4 Pro Review
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