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BOKIDA: HEARTFELT REUNION Open World Adventure Game Now Available on PC

BOKIDA: HEARTFELT REUNION Open World Adventure Game Now Available on PC

PARIS – May 17, 2017 – Bokida: Heartfelt Reunion, an open world adventure with puzzle elements and a minimalist aesthetic from Rice Cooker Republic, is now available for Windows PC via Steam and Game Jolt.

Fly across the surreal but peaceful world of Bokida, uncovering abandoned temples while creating structures and solving puzzles by adding to the landscape. Every solution transforms the planet, inserting color and opening up new avenues for exploration while revealing clues to the mysteries shrouding Bokida’s two worlds.

Two celestial bodies, a light world and its dark counterpart, are long-lost lovers separated for eons and yearning for their soulmate. Now, a messenger of the dark world will embark on a journey across the serene, open expanses of the light planet to disrupt the equilibrium keeping the pair apart.

BOKIDA: HEARTFELT REUNION Open World Adventure Game Now Available on PC

With a story inspired by Taoist literature, Bokida: Heartfelt Reunion invites exploration of its vast environments amongst soothing music and Korean voice acting.

Bokida is about following where curiosity leads and using creativity to shape the world around you,” says Vincent Levy, designer and writer, Rice Cooker Republic. “With countless areas to explore, secrets to uncover and new vistas to create, it offers a relaxing experience full of fun and life.”

Watch the Bokida: Heartfelt Reunion Launch Day Trailer:

Bokida: Heartfelt Reunion is available on Steam and Game Jolt for $17.99 and€17.99 in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Korean.

Related: BOKIDA: Heartfelt Reunion Soothing Open World Adventure Coming to Steam May 17

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