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Bonus Content Now Available for Dark Souls II PSN Pre-Orders

Some players who’ve pre-ordered Dark Souls 2 through PSN did not get their bonus content.

Bonus Content Now Available for Dark Souls II PSN Pre-Orders


Namco Bandai has released the steps to take in order to get your promised bonus content on their Facebook page:

If you pre-ordered Dark Souls II on the PSN and have not received your bonus content – We apologize for the delay, but it is now available.

1. Go to the PlayStation Store.
2. Choose Dark Souls II.
3. Select the ‘Free’ version.
4. Re-download the game.

5. (Optional) Once the download starts, you can cancel and go to your Download List and resume each specific weapon/shield pack instead of the entire game.

You can also take a look at the Dark Souls II The Curse of the Dark trailer here.

Dark Souls II released a few ago in North America for Xbox 360 and PS3, and released today, March 14 in Europe. The PC/Steam release will take place on April 25.

Have you received all of your bonus content with your PSN Dark Souls II pre-order? Let us know below.

Source: Namco Bandai

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