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BRAIN SWAGGLE Mobile Game Tests Your Spelling, Vocabulary, and Strategic Skills

BRAIN SWAGGLE Mobile Game Tests Your Spelling, Vocabulary, and Strategic Skills

CLEVELAND – Requiring the strategy similar to a chess match and the vocabulary skills of a word game, the new Brain Swaggle mobile app ( is changing the dynamic of word games.

Medina resident and founder of Brain Swaggle, Gary Downing, says, 

“This game is adaptable to all ages and abilities, You can select different levels of play, so you’re always thinking on your feet.”

What makes this game different is that there are no set group of letters to choose from nor are there letters displayed to form words. Players compete against the computer to build valid words that will end on a subsequent turn. However, the player and computer take turns giving one letter at a time. Each new letter submitted must continue to form a valid word. The real challenge is the word a player is thinking of spelling will change with each new letter given by their opponent. This will cause you to think of an entirely new word that you can end while strategizing to ensure you are not setting your opponent up to end the word.

Brain Swaggle options are chosen at the beginning of the match by the player that goes first:

  • How much time players get to submit their letter. This ranges from 15 seconds to 60 seconds per turn.
  • There are 3 match options to choose from. The first player to win 3, 5 or 10 words wins the match.
  • At the beginning of each new word the computer will randomly choose the minimum amount of letters that that word needs to have before a player can end and submit that word.
  • Each letter is worth points. There are no restrictions on building longer words than the minimum required. Build longer words for bigger scores!
  • There are 3 levels of challenge. Easy, Medium or Hard

Here are a few quotes from players.

  • Dr. D. Rickson, “Brain Swaggle requires and stimulates global brain power. Spelling alone uses four areas of the brain, and the game combines that with strategy and planning.”
  • Thomas D 79yrs, “Your game is simple yet very challenging. I think you have a winner here.”
  • Wayne B 57yrs, “This game is addicting, but in a good way.”

Brain Swaggle is Free to Play! When players initially install the game they receive points and power ups to help them come out of the gate strong. Once installed there is a tutorial waiting for the players before they play their first game.

Currently available for Android at Google Play. “Available for iPhone at the App Store later this year,” said Downing. “Try it now for free and Get Your Swagg On!”

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