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Brawl New Multiplayer Trailer

Developer Bloober Team (PS Vita’s A-Men franchise and PS4’s Basement Crawl) has released a new multiplayer trailer for Brawl.

Brawl New Multiplayer Trailer

Brawl is a new party game for PlayStation 4 where up to 4 players enter maze-like levels and are forced to drop bombs or use special abilities in order to survive. Think Bomberman meets MOBA, but with the extra oomph of Hellraiser-esque environments and characters. A throwback to the golden age of the arcades, Brawl goes beyond online multiplayer with a number of *local* multiplayer modes that should make any living room come alive with screams, physical challenges, body tackles, or all of the above.

Also, Brawl will be FREE to anyone who previously purchased Basement Crawl.

Brawl will release soon for PS4.

Related: Brawl Gets New Trailers

Source: Bloober Team

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