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Brut@l New Trailer Introduces Warrior and Ranger Classes

Brut@l New Trailer Introduces Warrior and Ranger Classes

Meet the Ranger and Warrior, two out of the four hero classes available to intrepid dungeoneers in Brut@l, the procedurally generated co-op monster-slaying adventure. The Ranger and the Warrior both bring their own unique fighting styles to the action of Brut@l – as seen in these action-packed trailers, the Ranger wields his one-handed sword to defend against unwanted attacks, while the Warrior brings down the warhammer with thunder-like force to crush his foes.

Here is the BRUT@L Ranger Trailer:


And, here is the BRUT@L Warrior Trailer:

Developed by Stormcloud Games and published by Rising Star Games, Brut@l will release on February 9, 2017 on PC via digital retailers.

Related: Brut@l Unveils Amazon and Mage Classes

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