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Calibre 10 Racing Series Now Available on Steam Early Access

Developer Bongfish GmbH has announced that its action racer Calibre 10 Racing Series is now available on Steam Early Access.

Here is what the developer had to say about Calibre 10 Racing Series,

“Calibre 10 Racing Series is at ALPHA stage and is an UNFINISHED product. The game will be updated regularly based on the feedback from you, our players. DO NOT buy this game if you are expecting a polished and feature-complete game.

Note: EARLY ACCESS customers will get all the launch content – no matter what the final price point or monetization model will turn out to be.

“We are feeling confident about having solid & fun core gameplay, but we are also realistic about the challenges of delivering on expectations for a multiplayer title,” said Michael Putz, CEO, Bongfish. “As a small independent studio, we view Early Access for C10 Racing Series as the right tool for involving the community. We look forward to hearing from players and will be very attentive to the feedback suggested by the community. The game in now available in pre-alpha state, we plan to keep the players apprised on all of our additions and improvements as they occur.”

Take a look at the Calibre 10 Racing Series Early Access launch trailer below:

You can now download Calibre 10 Racing Series for $19.99 on Steam. What did you think of the game?

Source: Steam

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