Gaming Cypher

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Canvaleon Heading to Tokyo Game Show 2014

OXiAB Game Studio out of Barcelona, Spain has announced that Canvaleon will be heading to the Tokyo Game Show 2014.

Here is what the developer had to say about the game:

Canvaleon is a gamethat mixes the platform genre with stealth and concealment. In Canvaleon the player has to make use of the environment and the skills of “Canvas”, the main character, in order to advance and overcome several enemies and threats.

One of the main points of Canvaleon is that the players can paint their own camouflages to use them in the different levels in order to mimic “Canvas” with the environment. We encourage everyone to come and try “Canvaleon” from September 18th to 21st at Booth 3-N2 of the “General Exhibition Area” at TOKYO GAME SHOW.

Take a look at the screenshots below:


And, here is the official game trailer:

Related: LA-MULANA EX Heading to Tokyo Game Show 2014

Source: Press Release and Official Website

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