The 90's was an impactful year in the world of video games. During this decade, arcades fell by the wayside...
Elite Summoners War players from around the world prepare for remote World Finals as unexpected rookies set to challenge experienced...
Players Will Compete For a Share of Nearly $300,000 in Prizes World Cyber Games (WCG) has revealed the top...
The Esports Combine 2020 wrapped up its first virtual eSports conference with massive waves of gamers participating in skills challenges,... Top Esports are officially record breakers. Having advanced to the semi-finals at the expense of Fnatic, Top Esports became... #2KLGrind Begins this Month with More Than 35 NBA 2K League Team-Hosted Pro-Am Tournaments as Part of the "NBA 2K... St. Louis, Missouri – October 6th, 2020 –– Simutronics, independent award-winning game development studio building on 30 years of multiplayer...
With PCS3 on the Horizon, Pro Teams Set Their Sights for the Next PUBG eSports Event in November SANTA MONICA,...